Month: December 2012

Twist and Turn

December 5, 2012 – GQ India Online

When GQ approached me to write a short piece about Yoga, I laughed. It seemed absurd. Then they explained the premise: a guy who has never attempted yoga will test out and evaluate a few different types. Fine. I normally eschew exercise for the sake of exercise, and I doubt this little experiment will change that. What follows is a brief and not-terribly-comprehensive chronicle of my experiences in the yoga studio. (more…)

City of Seams

December 2, 2012 – The Washington Post

Cotton Mills Estate

The workshop is so small I can’t even step inside. Bolts of somber suit woolens and bright white shirting cottons line the walls. Rafiq Shaikh cuts a neat figure in what little space remains. Dressed in traditional white kurta pyjama (the long shirt and loose fitting pants worn by men across the subcontinent), tape measure like a doctor’s stethoscope around his neck, he stands over a length of charcoal wool hieroglyphically marked with chalk in two shades of blue – the abstraction of a suit jacket. (more…)