Month: March 2012

Budget Bites: Mumbai, Delhi Zaika

March 17, 2012Times of India, Crest Edition

On a Tuesday evening, a few days after the municipal elections, Chor Bazaar’s Pakmodia Street exploded with activity. Eardrum-bursting fireworks were lit in the lane in front of a silver carriage, led by two white horses, holding aloft the constituency’s victor and an entourage of children. (more…)

Voices from Our Travels: Café Zoe, Mumbai, India

February 22, 2012Look Travel

There’s nothing quite like Indian food. The depth and intensity of flavor, the richness of preparation, the saturation of color and texture – few cuisines offer so much and so profligately. Yet after some time on the subcontinent, one’s stomach yearns for a fresh salad, or a sandwich with no more than four constituent ingredients (including the bread), and one’s wallet yearns not to be emptied for such simple pleasures. It’s no wonder, then, that Mumbaikars – and particularly expats – are flocking to Café Zoe. (more…)